“气肃而凝,露结为霜”| Frost's Descent: Autumn's final chapter
今天19时22分,霜降,隶属秋的最后一个节气。“气肃而凝,露结为霜”, 霜降后天气渐冷,是秋向冬过渡的开始。
Frost's Descent, or "Shuangjiang" in Chinese, is the 18th of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, and will last from October 23 to November 7 this year. It is the last autumn solar term, making it a transitional period from autumn to winter.
As the name suggests, the Frost's Descent period sees the fastest drop in temperature of the whole year, along with the first appearance of frost in the Yellow River region. The southern part of China, however, may not see frost until midwinter.
The solar term has three iconic phonological phenomena, according to ancient Chinese books.
一候豺祭兽 | 霜降日杀兽陈列
豺狼的豺,俗名“豺狗” (jackal),豺狼将捕获的大量猎物 (prey) 放在一起,像是在祭祀 (sacrificial ceremony) 一样。古人说是“祭秋金”,也是别秋的一种仪式。
二候草木黄落 | 深秋将逝 木叶飘零
天高云淡,枫叶尽染。霜降过后,枫树、黄护树等树木 (fall foliage) 在秋霜的抚慰下开始漫山遍野地变成红黄色,如火似锦,正是登山看红叶的好时节 (a perfect time for admiring the red maple leaves)。
→Read more: 一叶知秋!这款“干枫叶红”色号美爆了
三候蛰虫咸俯 | “咸”是皆“俯”是低头
卧而不食,就是冬眠 (hibernation)。霜降开始,草木、蛰虫休眠闭藏,梦想着下一个无霜期 (frost-free season)。
Persimmons, the orange-red, fresh or dried fruit are one of the most common choices for many in China since childhood around this season. It’s not just because they are ripened completely right before or after Frost's Descent, they are also actually quite nutritious, containing a good amount of Vitamin C.
In this period, taking care of your health is especially important. People should focus on protecting their bodies from dryness, depression and cold, as recorded in ancient Chinese books. Diet should be light during Frost's Descent as it's suggested that it nourishes the lungs and helps with dryness.
Click the video and follow the full instructions to make a savory yam dish (蜜糖红薯配百合莲子做法).
配方:Chinese yam, garlic, green onion, dried red dates, ginger.
功效:Chinese yams, as the main ingredient of the dish, go well with dates. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the red date also helps add moisture to the body. This dish helps give people a warm feeling in the transitional period, and uses the braising cooking method.
养生保健除了“润燥”, 还要注重“防寒”。此时天气多变、气温往往骤升骤降,体质较弱者很容易滋生疾病。因此,霜降时节外出赏景时,记得适时增加衣物,特别是老人和孩子更要注意下肢、腹部、足部保暖。
As temperatures start to drop unexpectedly, remember to put on your winter clothes and try to stay warm. For the elderly and children in specific, wrapping up in extra layers of clothes for legs, abdomen and feet might also be a good idea when outdoors.
Feeling blue as the days get shorter and the nights longer? Well, you might have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that often occurs in fall and winter months. The majority of SAD sufferers are in good health throughout most of the year. However, it might be hard to acknowledge SAD or leave it behind when you find yourself stuck with such negative emotions. Try to get more light into your life and get ready with the prelude to the coming winter!